If the court pursues criminal charges against you, what should you do? You will have to go through the legal process for the charges, which might be new to you if you have never gone through this before. If you are in this situation, then the first thing to do is to hire a criminal defense lawyer. You might not think you need one, especially if you know you are innocent. Read More»
Being charged with a child pornography violation can be intimidating. The help of an experienced lawyer is necessary to fight child pornography charges in court. Defending these cases requires a systematic and thorough approach.
It can be helpful to understand some of the defense strategies that attorneys use when representing those accused of child pornography activities. This understanding will prepare you to for court battles in the future.
1. Unintended Possession Read More»
From an emotional standpoint, one of the hardest things for people facing criminal charges to do is to simply let the prosecution wear itself out making a case. There’s a strong temptation to push back by presenting evidence, but do you have to? Let’s look at how a criminal defense attorney will usually approach this question.
The Simple Answer
In the simplest sense, the answer is that you don’t have to present any evidence. Read More»
If you get into a crash while you’re driving while intoxicated, fleeing the scene can be a natural reaction. Afterall, DWI is a very serious crime that can come with jail time and large fines. The truth is that fleeing the scene of a DWI crash can make things much worse for you. Here’s why:
Hit and Run is a Separate Crime
The first thing to understand is that hit and run is a separate crime. Read More»
Bars should be a fun and exciting experience but can become problematic if a patron starts getting aggressive or handsy towards another person’s girlfriend. Fights in this situation are not uncommon and criminal assault cases by the initially handsy person may be troubling for a person just attempting to defend a loved one. Thankfully, a criminal lawyer can help.
Girlfriend Defense Is a Legitimate Way to Avoid Assault Charges
Going up against a criminal assault charge can be a very scary situation. Read More»
You can pursue a personal injury claim stemming from a criminal act, such as an assault. However, the personal injury case will be much different from the criminal case even though there may be some relationship between the two cases.
The Major Differences
Many differences exist between criminal and personal injury cases, but these are the ones that stand out.
If someone commits a crime, then either the government or the victim of the crime can start criminal proceedings against the suspect. Read More»
Going to the workplace every day is necessary for most people, as it is how they are able to earn an income. One downfall that comes along with having a job is that getting along with coworkers isn’t something that always comes easily, as everyone has their own unique personality. In some cases, bullying takes place in the workplace, which sometimes even leads to violent acts being committed, such as assault. Read More»
When you are charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it’s time to get serious about fighting your charges. You might be tempted to plead guilty to get your case over with quickly, but rarely does this move benefit you. The moment you plead guilty, this is the same as if a jury found you guilty of the crime. You are then convicted of driving under the influence and this is recorded on your permanent criminal record. Read More»
Being charged with a crime is bad, but being accused of a crime related to drugs is worse. Drug charges can carry a hefty penalty and, in some cases, federal charges. When you are charged with something this severe, it is best to find a lawyer that specializes in cases involving drugs.
Say No to the Public Defender
While the public defender may be okay to have with you at your bail hearing, they are not the right lawyer to have for a lengthy trial. Read More»
An offender can lose his or her driving privileges with driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges. Refusing to take a blood test or breathalyzer can get your license automatically suspended. The state motor vehicle department and the courts have the authority to revoke and suspend your driver’s license.
However, losing your license makes it hard to get to school and work on time. Read on to find out how to get your driver’s license back after a DUI conviction. Read More»