never go to criminal court without an attorney

When Does It Make Sense To Accept A Low Accident Settlement Offer?

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When you are negotiating a personal injury settlement, your main aim is to get the highest possible amount. In fact, a common bit of advice is to reject a low offer and proceed to trial with the hope of increasing the award. However, this only makes sense in some cases, but not all. For example, it might be prudent to accept a seemingly low offer in any of these two conditions. Read More»

Keeping Your Teenager's Criminal Case In Juvenile Court

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If your teenage son or daughter is charged with a serious crime, you want to focus a lot of effort into making sure that his or her case is heard in the juvenile court system instead of the adult one. These are the things you need to know. Why is juvenile court better than adult court? Juvenile courts exist because the law has started to recognize that the juvenile mind doesn’t fully develop its ability to think in long-range terms or fully understand the consequences of certain actions. Read More»

Knock! Knock! The Police Are At Your Door! Read This Before You Open It

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What should you do if the police come to your door and ask to come inside and speak with you? Do you let them in? Do you try to find out what they want to know? Make the wrong choice, and you could end up facing charges yourself. Before you open the door, this is what you should know about handling the situation. 1.) The police can’t force you to talk to them. Read More»

Four Myths About Police That Criminal Defense Attorneys Want You To Know

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Criminal defense attorneys aren’t just called in when you’re guilty of a crime. Any time you’ve been accused of a crime – whether you’re under arrest or not – is a good time to consult with a criminal defense attorney first. Even dealing with the police as a witness or innocent bystander can potentially become an issue if you don’t have legal counsel.  Cops Need to Say They’re Cops It’s fairly common for people to ask “ Read More»

5 Things You Shouldn't Do After Getting Arrested

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There are few events in life that are more stressful than getting arrested. The thought of spending significant time in jail is always in the back of your mind. However, being nervous and scared all the time can cause you to make mistakes that could hurt your case. Here are five things you should not do after getting arrested: Resisting Arrest If you are innocent of a crime, getting handcuffed by the police can definitely be frustrating. Read More»